Facebook's Graphic Violence Policy Stinks
This morning my Facebook stream contained something really quite shocking and frankly I am not an easily shocked person at all. One of my friends had commented on a video of a an adult giving a toddler and extreme beating the likes of which I have never seen nor do I ever wish to see again. I assume the adult is the child's father and the woman filming is the mother. The video runs for over 8 minutes but I didn't get past the first 90 seconds before I had to turn it off. At first I thought it must be fake or a joke but after 90 seconds I became certain that it was not. From the Profile https://www.facebook.com/Hr.Bay The poster is NOT a friend of mine. I understand the poster will probably say he is trying to get the guy caught but surely passing it to the relevant authorities would be more useful than asking for facebook likes?!? What is perhaps even more shocking is that I decided to report the video to Facebook - when presented with the options on my...