The big problems with the UK Life and Crititcal Illness Underwriting and a couple of ways to make it better.

I spent quite a bit of time on the road today much of it catching up on the MPAF podcasts from Roger Edwards, for those not familiar Roger basically chats with a wide range of industry folk on all manner of financial services issues. Roger has a background in the life insurance industry and I think it would be fair to say that one of his 'pet issues' is the way the UK market has been driven towards a focus on lower prices and over complication of the products. Today though after hearing a few of episodes in concurrence I felt that a couple of major points were being missed possibly because they are points that only an adviser would see (or they would bother us most) and I felt the urge to write this blog post. The first issue is the difference between the cheapest product as determined by the sourcing systems and the best product as determined by research tools such as CI Expert , Roger and guest Ian Mckenna were discussing the difference between the 'economy/cheapes...