Facebook's Graphic Violence Policy Still Stinks

Earlier this year I reported via this blog that a video of a child being abused (beaten) was on Facebook and should be taken down but when reported to Facebook their response was that it did not violate their policy! After some time and badgering by many people they took the video down.

One hoped that this would have marked a change in the policy but no - yesterday another video of a baby being repeatedly struck around the head made it in to my time line because a friend commented on it. After viewing the first few seconds of the video I reported it. Today's response - "This video does not violate our policy"

The video link is https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=152449904958224 if you agree with me that this sort of video serves no positive purpose and is being used for entertainment purposes to promote a Facebook page, then please keep reporting it perhaps if they get enough reports they will actually do something about it!


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